Monday, March 2, 2009

The Fastest Way To Make Up With Ex

To make up with ex, work on being a friend to your ex, don't try to jump right into where you left off and make the relationship the way it use to be where they feel pressure or stress. When the person feels relaxed and enjoys being with you they start to wonder why they ever broke up and want to be with you again, so show them how much fun it is to be around you and how understanding you are.

Also to make up with ex, make them work harder to get back together by not being to easily accessible to them. People find what the can't have to be more attractive then what they feel they can have without any effort. So make your ex find you more attractive by not allowing your ex to feel they can have you with even trying.

After breaking up people can become down and depressed causing them to not take care of themselves. Make them desire you by taking care of yourself by putting extra effort into looking attractive. You should think about if you need to buy new clothes or start going to the gym and tone up. You want your ex to notice how good you look the next time they see you.

Keep a clear head with your relationship, its easy to become confused when thinking about your relationship and what to do to make up with ex. But you want to make sure you don't say or do something that will make getting back with ex more difficult.

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